Steve is forced to withdraw cactus needles one by one from Joan's hindquarters. Joan tries to run away from Steve but falls butt-first into a cactus. The Bride Came COD: In this Screwball Comedy Steve and Joan's plane winds up crash-landing in the Nevada desert.Pokémon: In the Hoenn arc, Team Rocket's James had a Cacnea, a cactus Pokemon that had a habit of hugging James painfully with its spiky arms every time he brought it out.After defeating him, Joseph leaves Donovan tied to the cactus. Joseph does manage to turn the tables, however, by using his Hamon to make a cactus explode right into Donovan's face, turning him into a Human Pincushion. Joseph tries to punch him, but Donovan uses a cactus hidden in his cloak to block the attack, causing him to hurt his hand.

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency, Joseph is attacked by a German agent, Donovan, while in Mexico.Despite this, a blinded Havia tries to punch Qwenthur only to instead hit a cactus. In Heavy Object, Qwenthur fails to warn the rest of the party about an explosion that temporarily blinds and deafens them.Her first attack demonstrated in the anime is Needle Spray, which is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Digimon Adventure: Palmon's Champion form is Togemon, a giant walking cactus with boxing gloves.There is even at least one case where a cactus bought about someone's death, as Snopes explains here. Cacti have caused injury in more serious works as well, however, and the results are often a good deal bloodier and much less funny.

This is more common in comedic works, especially cartoons, where a character will find themselves landing on one - almost always butt-first - and end up leaping sky-high and later having to pull the spines out. Whenever a cactus shows up in a fictional work, there's a very good chance that it's going to hurt someone at least once. Needle-less to say, you can easily imagine what would happen if you bumped into one - or worse, sat on one. They can be a lifesaver in places where they are found (and luckily, All Deserts Have Cacti in Fictionland), but not without grave risk - most have lost true leaves, and what leaves they do have are modified into spines. Cacti (or cactuses, singular cactus) are members of the plant family Cactaceae, which can occur in a wide range of shapes and sizes and often live in extremely dry environments, thanks to their many adaptations to conserve water.